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Phase I - Course 5 - Birth to 1 month (Infant)

  • Reading program begins…

Created by Ramesh Partani

  • English


Milestones acceleration 13 - 18 are achieved during this period. Short 5 to 7 minute videos clearly explaining the activities for development of the visual, auditory, tactile, mobility, language and manual pathways in the brain, are included on the first day of the course. Parents should watch all the videos carefully and conduct all the activities with the newborn everyday from day 1 to day 30.

Note: You joined this Course when your child was less than 1 month old. Please note that you will continue with the subsequent couses in this Phase I until your child is 6 years old. When your child is 6 years old, you will start with the courses in Phase VIII.


Outcome depends on how correctly the kgk program is done.

Milestones 19-24 should be strengthened by the end of this course.

⁠Continuation of the activities will ensure further strengthening of the pathways.

⁠⁠⁠⁠This results in much better flow of information to and from the brain.

The child will learn to read the first 70 words by the end of this program.


1.⁠ ⁠Activities can be done at anytime of the day , in any sequence.

2.⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠The child should be awake and comfortable, if not cheerful.

3.⁠ Most important part of the activity is the parent’s energy. Parent should be full of enthusiasm and cheer throughout the duration of the activities.

4.⁠ ⁠⁠In case you stop in the middle in any part of the course for unforeseen reasons , restart as soon as possible, exactly from the point where you had stopped and continue the activities as before.

5.⁠ ⁠⁠In case you are not able to complete the course within the 30 days time, request for an extension on the WhatsApp of the helpline number +91 9394360040.

6.⁠ ⁠⁠You need to give your registered email id with the request for extension of any other support.

  Course Curriculum